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Friends of PyTexas

The PyTexas Foundation's mission is to build vibrant community of Python enthusiasts in the state of Texas. As PyTexas continues to grow, we rely on the generosity and support of individuals like you who believe in our vision and want to contribute to its growth. The Friends of PyTexas program is your opportunity to make a direct impact on the future of the PyTexas Foundation, and by extension, the Python Community in Texas. Your donation will not only allow us to continue providing the programs you have come to know and love, such as the PyTexas Conference and PyTexas Meetup, but also allow us to expand and offer new programs, such as local meetup support, satellite conferences in other Texas cities, and even free educational resources. Become a Friend of PyTexas today and help us make the Python Community in Texas the biggest in the world!

Program Benefits

The Friends of PyTexas program is an annual donation program. There are currently three tiers available, each with unique perks:

Tier Cost Perks Purchase
Bluebonnet $100
  • $15 discount code for one PyTexas Conference ticket
  • Custom PyTexas Foundation T-Shirt
  • Custom role in the PyTexas Discord Server
  • Acknowledgement on the PyTexas Foundation Website
Armadillo $500
  • PyTexas Mug
  • $75 discount code for one PyTexas Conference ticket
  • Custom PyTexas Foundation T-Shirt
  • Custom role in the PyTexas Discord Server
  • Acknowledgement on the PyTexas Foundation Website
Lonestar $750
  • PyTexas Hoodie
  • PyTexas Mug
  • One free PyTexas Conference ticket (conference, tutorials, after party)
  • Custom PyTexas Foundation T-Shirt
  • Custom role in the PyTexas Discord Server
  • Acknowledgement on the PyTexas Foundation Website

Fulfillment of Physical Benefits

The PyTexas Foundation will fulfill orders once a quarter. The following dates are when the previous quarter's order closes:

  • January 1
  • April 1
  • July 1
  • October 1

Any orders placed after these dates will be fulfilled the following quarter.

Physical items can only be shipped within the continental US

Current Friends of PyTexas

Thank you to our friends for supporting us!

Lone Star

  • Christian Lyons


  • Josh Cannon


  • Jesse Flippen
  • Jamal Hansen
  • Josh Schneider