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Tutorials will be held Friday, April 19, 2024 at the Austin Central Public Library. This is the same venue as the main portion of the conference.


Time Tutorial Instructor
09:00am - 12:00pm Python 102: Beyond the Basics Mason Egger
02:00pm - 05:00pm def test_my_code_with_pytest(): Andrew Knight


Python 102: Beyond the Basics

One of the benefits to Python is the ability to be productive while knowing a small subset of the features the language has to offer. While this is one of Python's super powers, many Python developers are missing out on the full experience by not diving deeper into the wonderful features Python has to offer.

In this tutorial, you will go beyond the basics of Python and explore various language features that make Python pythonic. Specifically, you will learn about:

  1. Fist-class Functions
  2. Decorators
  3. Comprehensions
  4. Dunder Methods & Operator Overloading
  5. Context Managers

This will be a hands on tutorial. All exercises will be distributed as a GitHub repository and as Jupyter Notebooks in Google Colab.

Course Materials


  • A laptop you can program on
  • A functioning web browser or your favorite IDE/Text Editor setup, ready to run Python
  • Python 3.8 or newer

Presenter: Mason Egger

Mason Egger Avatar

Mason is currently Sr. Technical Curriculum Developer at Temporal Technologies who specializes building community, developer-focused educational content, distributed systems, and Python. Prior to his work at Temporal he launched Developer Relations at as the Lead Developer Advocate, and was a Developer Advocate at DigitalOcean specializing in Infrastructure-as-a-Service technologies. His engineering experience includes time as an SRE helping build and maintain a highly available hybrid multi-cloud PaaS. He's an avid programmer, speaker, educator, and writer/blogger. He is an organizer of PyTexas, President of the PyTexas Foundation, and actively contributes to open source projects. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, camping, kayaking, and exploring new places. You can find him on various social media platforms.

def test_my_code_with_pytest():

Testing is such a vital way to make sure your code works – and to uncover any bugs that might be there. Thankfully, testing doesn’t need to be difficult, even if you haven’t done much testing or automation before. With a few foundational principles and some Python code, you can start writing effective tests at unit, integration, and end-to-end levels.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to automate tests with Python’s most popular test framework, pytest. Specifically, we will cover:

  1. Configuring a Python project with pytest
  2. Writing unit tests for Python libraries
  3. Writing API tests with requests
  4. Writing UI tests with Playwright
  5. Leveraging features like fixtures, parameters, configs, and mocking

Bring your laptops, because this will be a hands-on workshop! You don’t need to be an expert programmer, but you should be familiar with Python syntax like functions and classes.

Presenter: Andrew Knight

Andy Knight Avatar

Andrew Knight, also known as “Pandy,” is the Automation Panda. He’s a software quality champion who loves to help people build better quality software. Currently, he works as the Principal Software Architect at Cycle Labs, focusing on test automation excellence for supply chains and warehouse management. An avid supporter of open source software, Pandy is a Playwright Ambassador as well as the lead developer for Boa Constrictor, the .NET Screenplay Pattern. On the side, he is writing a book on software testing with Manning Publications. Apart from software, Pandy works on vintage Volkswagens. Check out his tech blog at, and follow him on Twitter at @AutomationPanda.